Архитектура мероприятий конгрессной программы

Business program structure

Business events
Business conference: a series of seminars, discussions, trainings and master-classes from leading consultants, business coaches and market leaders, who will tell about effective ways of promoting pet goods. Market leaders will talk about global trends in the industry and the prospects for the development of the Russian pet industry
Conference participants will gain new knowledge at master classes and seminars from industry experts

Veterinary Surgical Congress
Veterinary conference: leading specialists of the industry will share relevant information on the latest trends in the field of treatment and professional maintenance of pets

Breeders Forum
Breeder congress: lecturers will discuss current problems of breeding and petkeeping.

All Russian Grooming conference
Cat&Dog grooming seminars: сonference participants will gain new knowledge at master classes and seminars from industry experts

Gallery of New Products. Russian and foreign manufacturers present new products in the categories: pet food, vitamins, accessories, veterinary drugs.

Center of business contacts